Hi! I’m Marika,
professional declutterer and organizer.

My story

From a young age, I've always appreciated a clean and organized space. My perspective shifted when I delved into the concept of "decluttering." For years, I was merely organizing my clutter, never quite achieving complete comfort or happiness in my space. It was a revelation to realize that by releasing items that no longer sparked joy or held value, I could truly love my surroundings. Suddenly, a weight was lifted... I could breathe!

Since 2016, I have thoroughly enjoyed helping others achieve the same transformation in their homes and offices, continuously learning from each unique experience. I understand that everyone's situation and their relationship with their possessions vary greatly. Some are eager to declutter, quickly filling my vehicle for donation drop-offs. Others need more time to ponder over their items and the process. I am here to support both approaches. Regardless of your pace or motivation for shedding excess, we can work together at a speed that suits you comfortably.

Together, we will create spaces that not only look organized but also bring a sense of peace and joy, reflecting the true essence of a harmonious home or workspace.

psst.. Marika is pronounced mah-rye-ka

  • "Marika Fox Decluttering is joy in motion and a safe space who brings you more space. It was such a pleasure to work with Marika and her skills are natural and magic. I look forward to having Marika Fox Decluttering back and highly recommend.”


  • "Marika helped us purge our cluttered basement prior to a renovation. It was full of sentimental items and things we didn’t even know we had anymore. She was patient and kind as we sorted through each box and never made me feel judged or silly. Having her remove the items from my home and donate them really helped with letting go."


  • "As a local small business owner it can be extremely difficult to stay on top of keeping our supplies, inventory, paperwork and office space organized. I met with Marika to discuss our needs and within the week she had new and attractive organizational systems in place, removed unwanted items and went through each area to ensure that these new systems would work for us. As the years have gone by and our needs change Marika has returned again and again to modify our systems as needed.”

    Lindsey of Heartworks Childrens Studio

  • "We were so grateful to have Marika come support us with two problematic areas in our home that really needed some time, energy and a workable system. Marika was so creative in figuring out the best way to store our items with systems that made sense for us and our lifestyle. It has been worth the investment, as both areas she has helped us declutter and organize have remained as is over a year later! We would never have made the time or been as thorough (actually finishing the job!) without her help. Marika is so GOOD at home organization, and she’s also hilarious, light-hearted, a hard worker! Thanks Marika!"


  • "About five years ago Marika helped me organize our kitchen and dining room. The cupboards were overflowing and I had a lot of guilt about letting go of things we had inherited. We went through everything; took it out, sorted through it, purged what no longer served us or brought joy, and took stock of what remained. Marika helped me see that one momento that reminds me of a loved one can bring a lot of joy, whereas fifty can bring a lot of clutter and stress. She then showed me a system for our cupboards that was functional and aesthetically pleasing, and we follow it to this day! It has integrated so easily and well into our lives and it is natural to keep our cupboards organized in this way. We have since moved to a new house, and not only are our cupboards fully functional, but they look great! If you are looking to bring an easy and wonderful system into your life, I’d highly recommend Marika!”
